Here Is the Guide - To 'The Art of Seeing Straight'

which is more like a 'seminar' designed to engage you in the 'Art'. It challenges habitual ways of seeing, in order to enhance consciousness and perception. To benefit you will need to concentrate and make your choices, when asked. Please note that 'The Art of Seeing Straight' is absolutely easy and obvious, but as it is generally overlooked this web site (although seemingly extensive) only scratches the surface of the 'Art'!

The Guide is free & easy and should only take you 10+ minutes to get started. The whole Guide will take more time, so It is divided into 'Phases' in case you need to return with more time, or refresh yourself on the content. Have fun...

Click on ‘Introduction’ above for extra context on how this can enhance consciousness and perception.
by Barrington


N.B. Please note that this has nothing to do with “seeing straight head,” sexual inclination or any existing institutions.  It is a guide to what’s new.

Start your initial observation check and discover the obvious.

When you are specifically looking for something you direct your eyes’ line of sight.  But what happens when you’re not looking for something in particular?  Are you aware how random images keep catching your eye?  Obviously, from a survival point of view we need to notice any dangers, however, these days it seems we are ‘caught‘ by all sorts of unnecessary objects and many of them designed by advertisers and marketeers to – catch us!  Is this healthy?  Is this empowering or dis-empowering us?  How, if we where to care, can we begin to choose to take command of what our eyes (brain?) are getting up to?

How aware are you of your seeing?  What are you seeing now?
The idea behind ‘The Art of Seeing Straight‘ is to use the practice to boost sensory perception as a start to enhancing your health & well-being.  You will probably discover that that has been practically ‘invisible’ up to now, will become obvious after the Guide.  Are you seeing more consciously right now and how does it feel?

A seeing and noticing exercise
Before you start the Guide, please, take a good look around at your surroundings and become aware of what you see.  Take enough time to see what you see.  However, don’t strain and just let it all come naturally and make a note of what you most obviously see.

Accept that the theme is repeated over & over
The reason for this ‘seminar’ and the need to  keep repeating and emphasising ‘Straight’ only becomes evident once you see it – for what it is.  It is so simple that it is invisible to most people and probably will be for you, once you leave this web site.  ‘Straight’s’ essence needs to be seen & sensed before it can work for you.

Therefore, the repetition gives you extra opportunities to choose to be more interested or not.  Such interest can act like a magnet that attracts wellness and wholeness (or ‘newSense’ – sensational  completeness).  At first ‘Seeing Straight’ will be elusive – now you see it, now you don’t.  Allow your intuition, and not your head, to value the process for you.  Because trust, patience and perseverance will allow the concept to become more evident.  Also, to start with make sure that you practice in a safe and comfortable place.  A space that you trust in order to facilitate your trusting – intuition or inner knowing .

New words coined
You will find new words cropping up here, because, the concepts are new and ‘the new’ needs new language to communicate it.  Hopefully, the meaning of the newly coined words will become self evident as you proceed with the Guide (for more information, The book: innerTelligence & ‘The newSense Game’ is available in the Members’ section).  However, if you think what is demonstrated here is like something else (historic or old) you are deluding yourself and will be thinking in the past.  Many fine words whose Logos previously embedded a powerful perceptual meaning have been debased to what is called here – sub-prime words.  Take for instance: Life, Love, Truth, Reality that were once Prime, AAA+ methods of communicating and communing, but now don’t convey a common meaning.  Also words like peace, meditation and mindfulness (‘Thinking Straight’ here means an empty mind!) are trending to become fragmented and commercialised concepts.

Any way, the assertion that ‘Seeing Straight’ is a reality check on one’s wholeness and ‘Being Present’ is something that you can prove to be – true or false.

To benefit from this Guide, you need commitment.
There is a first time for everything and so rushing through this ‘seminar’ will defeat the purpose.  This purpose is for you, the reader, to have an ‘Aha!’ direct experience for actually – ‘you are the Subject’ and not this web site.

Your check list

Having made a note, of what you noticed as you looked around, please keep it at hand.  Later, you will be needing it to compare your ‘before & ‘after’ perception.

This process should be effortless and easy.

Click: to start

What follows is the Guide to not only ‘Straight’  but who is seeing it.
The guide works by Clicking: on the over 50 pictures that follow and learning to see more – to experience more.

Are you ready?

Please start here.

When you see beauty, like a rose or an attractive man or woman, you will feel a rush of recognition.  When you see the opposite like a car crash or a medical operation you may well feel upset.  This Guide works by making you more aware of what you are reacting to, from moment to moment.
If you can see the colour ‘black’?  Click: on it.  It’s that simple.
N.B. The 2 photos should be next to each other (adjust on PC: Cntl +/-  or Mac: Cmd +/- .)

Can you see the colour ‘white’?  Click: on photo.

Can you see the colour ‘red’?

Now that you have got the hang of the Guide please, become more aware of the fact that you are actually – seeing!  Can you see the colour ‘yellow’?

Can you see the image of the ‘moon’?

Become more aware of your process of looking & choosing.
Can you see what would be called ‘large’?  Click: it.

Can you see what would be called ’empty’?
What thoughts are you having about these images?

Can you see what would be called ‘heavy’?
How can you assess that just from an inanimate photo?


Can you see what would be called ‘soft’?
Do you have a sense of texture from a two dimential image?

Remember, this is not about ‘seeing straight ahead’.  Please, take your time as you may have to look very carefully.  Promise, it is there!

Click: on any straight (shown within the square photo frame) that you see.

Again can you see any straight? This may seem like a trick question but it’s literally speaking.  Please, take care and not casually skip over this phase and miss the point.

If you have an ‘Aha!’ experience, as you sense the subtlety (yet obviousness) of what is emerging here, please, cherish it – as you will need it for later.  Ok, ‘Just kidding!’ – there will be plenty more examples later and in your day to day experience.  The trick is to begin to, ‘Slow down & ‘See Straight” – you’ll see why later…

Click: on any straight (shown within the square photo frame) that you see.

More on the – ‘The Art of Seeing Straight’

Hint: if you did not you see it – look again at the photo with the *kitten.

Good you have now taken the first phase of this Guide and so can begin to simply, see  straight.  At this stage of the Guide,  _____straight_____  is defined as: a – line or edge – that is not curved or crooked – an 180 angle°.  Or anything that appears to the eye as if it’s straight or at least was intended to be ‘reasonably’ straight by design or manufacture.  We will discuss, if there is such a thing as an exact 100% straight line or edge in existence, later!  For now the Guide overlooks the somewhat bewildering, yet fascinating, factors relating to what’s called straight such as 2D or curvilinear perspective, flat or 3D Euclidean space vs Einstein’s General Relativity/curved space etc.

If that is too technical – that’s understood!  No worries, we can investigate all sort of other uses of ‘Straight’ including, staying well or getting better as well some aspects of science and the construction of our ‘man made world’ or the universe.  Studying ‘Straight’ opens up a whole new area of potential interest that can instill confidence and strength.  Remember, a straight beam embodies 100% of its strength, whereas, a bent beam will be weak and not work well.

*If you still don’t ‘see it’ try looking abound you and finding 2 straight lines, or edges, and look at then both together.  Then hold that view until your mind goes quiet?  If you have no success, don’t worry – it is suggested you signup and then share you experience with other members.

What’s next
Please note that this emphasis on ‘Straight’ is only a prelude to the more advanced sensory perception that will be presented later in this series, once this step has been mastered.  Also, toward the end of this Guide we will switch dimensions, or perspective, and introduce  ‘The Sense of iStraight’ experience.

Please, repeat your observation check
Before we continue the journey into the wonders of “Straight” please repeat the initial exercise and look around at your surroundings and see how your perception has changed.  You will now notice some straight edges that you didn’t before.  Suddenly, you may find them all over the place.

Key: Consciously, ‘Slow down & See Straight” say, it’s the edge of a window/door or line (between some tiles or whatever).  If you are patient, and dwell upon it for say 5-10 second, you may begin to align with a sort of inner – silence & straightness.  This is the crux of this matter, so do you get it – yes or no?  If not, simply relax and just ‘see what you see’ until it becomes obvious (but don’t think about it).  Trust any inner silence that’s there/here. 

But realise this is not about believing what is written here but what you know, for certain.  Thoughts tend to be engaged in questioning and analysing which is an infinite pastime, because, any result that you may think answers a problem can have that very same mental mechanism ask, ‘why?’.  And off the thinking goes again!  The beauty of inner silence is there is no doubt or question – just knowing.  The more this is trusted (not doubted) the more it is trusted.  True or false?

Seen it all before
Of course, you have seen straight before (all your life) but almost certainly you didn’t recognise it as having any particular interest or merit.  Unless you casually used it for some practical purpose such as design or measurement.  The significance of all this will be unfold later if you show any interest.

See which image transmits a sense of ‘control’.  Click: it.

Before going deeper into this PsychoSpiritual Technology,
please, read the following.

There’s a first time for everything, so don’t spoil it for others

As you probably are aware, if you help a particular species of butterfly out of its chrysalis – it dies.  Its struggling to emerge, prepares its wings – for autonomous flight.  In the same vein, please don’t attempt to explain what the ‘Art of Seeing Straight’ is to other people.  This would be a bit like telling somebody how a book or film ends.  Why prevent them from having to navigating this site and thus getting the know-how from their own undiluted perspective.  Surely, the value of any realisation depends upon its provenance?  Which is preferable, transmission direct from source or second hand?

Anyway, private consultations and physical seminars will be available on request, if you wish to develop your skills or have a ‘one on one’ Skype session.

To emphasise the point, this web site could demonstrate ‘Seeing Straight’ to you in a couple of sentences and, almost certainly, you would forget it within minutes.  The purpose of all these words is to enable you to become the artist through the practice of – perceiving and appreciating what is new in plain sight, with newSense.  At the end of this guide there will be the opportunity to apply for membership of the Community where there will be additional seminars,  advanced instruction and sharing of the ‘Art’.

There is more to ‘Seeing Straight’ than meets the eye
Self-discovery is a vital feature of this unique PsychoSpiritual Technology that’s designed for people to know, or reconnect, with their true or real identity.  If you want to share the substance of ‘The Art of Seeing Straight’ with friends or family, please let them find out for themselves through this website.

To repeat, just  telling them the ‘trick’ of how it works denies them ‘earning the reward’ of any Gestalt or Ah ha! experience.  For it’s not so much about the facts and the initial conclusion that you find here, but the energy and intention behind what is after all, a unique journey of discovery.

There is a lot more to ‘Seeing Straight’ than meets the eye so please, share the website with others and not your own, possibly, limited conclusions.

The ‘trick’ of ‘Seeing Straight’ is revealed here over and over and over again on purpose. It is to give the reader an opportunity to become interested and so adept.  Without that it will probably be forgotten in seconds – true or false?

Don’t blame others
If, just as an example, you would blame, whoever taught you how to ride a bike, if you had an accident then this sharing is not for you.  Please exit it now.

The Conditions for use are not just for the ‘Law of the Land’ but also for the ‘Law of Attraction’.  Such that, prior to proceeding with this Guide, you need to pause to consider if you accept that, “you take full responsibility, for yourself and your actions, and agree that the author and/or publishers have no responsibility or liability, whatsoever”.

Click: to see full Disclaimers,  Terms & Conditions.

Use this Technology responsibly
and safely

Notwithstanding the above, we strongly advise you not to drive or operate machinery or negotiate dangerous situations whilst beginning to learn to ‘See Straight’.

It is best to practice in a safe space until it becomes second nature. Be aware that, it may feel a little strange at first.  For as you shift from any habitual way of allowing anything to catch your eye, without the advantage of being able to ‘See Straight’.  In some ways this is about getting a wandering mind back in line – back to “peace of mind”.
Click: I agree

Bye the way, what is,’peace of mind’?
Click: on the image that gives you more of a sense of ‘peace’ or ‘freedom’.

Click: on which of the following 4 images you find the least ‘threatening’?  What connects them all?

Click: on the image that feels most ‘restricting’.

Click: on the image that you feel most ‘controls’ you.
Do you get a sense of order or straightness from both?

What will ‘they’ think of next – to control?

Remember this technology is not so much about ‘Straight’ but you ‘the subject’ – who is reading these words.  Take a pause and look around and get a sense of your place within all the straight edges around you.  Are they ‘enclosing’ you?

Can you distinguish between a ‘network server farm’ and a ‘prison’?

What do you feel about these 4 images?
Notice how your past dictates your response to them.
Click: on the one you – least prefer.

Are you beginning to get a sense of what effect ‘Straight’ has on you?
Especially, when you realise these 2 photos where taken from the same apartment.

Notice how straight is involved in all sorts of things in amazing and unexpected ways.  Please pause to absorb the significance and beauty of how it’s applied below.  Click: on which image fascinates you the most.

What impressions are emanating from each of these images?  Notice what the different ‘essence’ (or polarity) is sensed by you?  Click: on which image you find the more attractive.

Are you noticing what subtle effect ‘Straight’ can have on you?
Which photo do you prefer?

Notice again how shapes are subtly used to make an impression on you at a fundamental level.  Click: on the image that is attracting you the most.

Again do you get a sense of what control ‘Straight’ and other shapes have on you in enigmatic ways?  The 1/0’s are used as the latest language for algorithms.  OK, they can help us humans but they also have us tracked, analysed and moneytised.  Which image do you choose to have the most influence over you?


Q: So what is so amazing about just pointing out – the obvious?

Well, now that we can all agree on what ‘Seeing Straight’ means we can, together, take it to the next phase.  For if you haven’t really noticed it in your life up to now you can begin to have more choice of what your eyes are looking at (and mind judging).  Instead of reacting automatically, as one probably did before to say, beauty or sordidness, with ‘Straight’ you have a neutral image to establish, a balanced, or neutral view of the world.

So it is up to you, if you wish to pause for a moment, and patiently focus on a particular – straight line or edge, nearby, and sense if it seems that you are aligning with it.  Don’t rush it – there is nothing to think about just wait until you just see what you see without having to ‘think’ about it.

Simply see what you see and let this process straighten out your thoughts for your own ‘peace of mind’.   🙂 when you get it for – these, or any words, are not it.  An added bonus of ‘Seeing Straight’ is that it engenders ‘Hearing Straight’ as well.  Your audio visual perception is direct, unfiltered – a direct or ‘Straight’ experience.

The initial basic definition of “Straight” used here
As you have now taken the Guide, this far, you can begin to see ‘Straight’ in plain sight (or what appears almost straight or at least was intended to be straight).  As already mentioned, to keep it simple, the use of the word ‘Straight’ is limited to what seems to be a straight line and straight edge. There will be plenty of opportunity to expand upon this, after the theme has been sufficiently grasped, for ‘Straight’ has a multitude of meanings and significance.  Remember, the main idea here is to not be lost in thought but to begin to use ‘Straight’, with appreciation.

What’s next
Please note that this emphasis on ‘Straight’ is only a prelude to a more advanced sensory perception techniques.  These will be presented, later onvia  this PsychoSpiritual Technology series, once these first steps have been sufficiently mastered.

Repeat the observation exercise
Before we take the journey into the deeper wonders of “Straight” please repeat the initial exercise and look around at your surroundings and see if or how your perception has changed.  How does it compare with that first list?  You will probably now notice some ‘Straight’ that you didn’t before.  Suddenly, you may find it all over the place.  Why not stop reading and pause to rest your eyes upon a particular ‘Straight edge’ – as if you are aligning with  it.  Don’t try to think about it (or try to get anything) but relax and begin to notice your breath, as you remain aware of any ‘Straight’ edge or line.

 The idea is not to demand to ‘See Straight’ all the time.  It is up to you to discover if the more you perceive ‘Straight’ the more you naturally alignment to a fresh inner sense or ‘newSense’.

Seeing is seeing and requires not internal dialogue talking about it, or anything else! Do you ‘notice’ the inner silence?

Be easy with the ‘To-ing and Fro-ing’ of consciously ‘Seeing Straight’
Given the emphasis of Straight here, it’s helpful to realise that ‘seeing is seeing’ and should not involve any effort or struggle (providing one’s eyesight is okay).  All that is required is – open eyes and an open mind (no need for head chatter – silence will do perfectly).  Like anything, if you’re interested in a particular item or subject you will notice it.  Or the more you love someone, or something, the easier on the eye they or it will become.  Therefore, beware of any mental demands that you need to be, hard on yourself and make yourself wrong for missing what you saw.  There is no failing just what IS.  Let any awakening be a gentle, natural unfolding without any mental demands.  It should be fun and easy as we all remain beginners with awareness that – comes & goes or to-s & fro-s, all the time.  Be aware that ‘Straight’ will appear in momentary flashes and glimpses.  The ‘Art’ is to acknowledge these sightings, with gratitude (and hopefully inner peace and wonder).

Q: How much time does one spend, ‘Seeing Straight’?
A: Compare it to smiling, then ask the same question about :-)!
Don’t struggle as it is an awareness that will grow on you over time and be evident – from time to time.

Clue: Looking vs seeing
Of course, you have looked at straight many times before (probably billions times) but almost certainly, you didn’t see it, or recognise it, as having any particular interest or merit, other than for practical purposes (for measurement or design etc).  Have we not all looked for say, our keys yet not seen them until we maybe, slowed down to find them in plain view all the time?
Keep dwelling on some ‘Straight’ edges around you now and get what you get.
This may seem to be rather pushy but without practice you will forget all this and ‘Straight’ will be invisible again.  OK, you say, ‘so what’?  The chances are that you will become less conscious (especially of what is going on in your head) and take the risk of allowing your surroundings to influence, without your permission.

Check that out and ‘see’ what is – true or false – about it all.

Clue: Reinventing the ‘Straight’

Although, ‘Straight’ is completely different from say, a wheel, the round wheel had to be invented, discovered or recognised by a human being in order to “bring it to life” and usefulness, so to speak.  In some ways we are all doing that now with straight possibly for the first time in history.  For it has always existed, but has it been recognised as anything significant (other than taken for granted mainly in terms of geometry, design & measurement)?  Just as the wheel, once recognised, was given a trans formative use, likewise, here we have the opportunity of ‘reinventing’ the straight at an intrinsic level and exploring its esoteric powers, properties and other uses.

Here, possibly for the first time ever, we are recognising (or even cognitising) ‘Straight’ for alignment purposes.  Which was first cognised (actually noticed consciously) by humans for having a useful purpose – the ‘wheel or straight’?  Click: it.

Don’t rush it – there is nothing to get or think about.

Simply see what you see and let this process straighten out your thoughts.  How aware are you that, you are seeing what you are seeing, right now?

N.B. All these words are just background information pointing to the real substance of this Technology which is, initially, in your foreground and then within.

Has ‘Straight’ ever been used in this context before?
it is assumed here that such a suggestion to align with ‘Straight’ on a personal spiritual and practical level has ever been offered before in human history.  Therefore, any information to the contrary is eagerly sought.  Granted some secret societies certainly employ it in their symbolism and jargon and so any further information as to what that is all about, especially in more detail, would be welcome.  In any event has’nt such use of symbols been used to influence and turn people in to *followers of dogma?  Whereas, ‘Straight’ if it is perceived and applied innerTelligently has the potential to liberate.  Let’s see if it can act as a catalyst to straighten out much of what has become corrupted and crooked on Earth.  Also, as many people are bent out of shape, so to speak, it can help straighten out their lives and health issues.

  • N.B. If you selected the Swastika, in the Guide above, as a symbol that you least preferred, you may be interested to know it is a sacred Eastern sign of good fortune and is not the Nazi version!  Watch out as we are surrounded by symbols that are designed to manipulate us!  Here one may create ones own ‘symbol’ that signifies – Life.  It is somewhat iconoclastic, in essence.

Clue: The psychological angle
As outlined above, to start with it is probably ‘Straight’ lines or edges that you will see.  Once you get the hang of it you’ll see that straight (if you’re inside a building) sort of encloses you.  Notice, that straight, with lower case, is used here to signify the lack of appreciation of ‘Straight’. What is generally overlooked is the fact that, on a subliminal psychological level, straight of can have a particular limiting or authoritarian austerity about it.  It can as a rule, have connotations of the opposite of freedom or chaos.  Consider how a ruler is both the ultimate straight line maker and the ultimate authority figure.  It could be said that a straight line has a strong masculine rigidity about it and so lacks the flowing curves of what can be seen in softer yielding feminine shapes.  If so, what subliminal messages is the ‘man-made world’, whose foundations and survival rely heavily upon the application of straight, sending to us all?  Especially when it is overlooked, as is the case with most people, most of the time.

Clue: Perseverance in the Present
So, to maintain interested you will probably have a battle on your hands (or mind!).  One that needs courage and passion to prevail.  For looking at straight is probable more boring than, watching paint dry or grass grow!  But do you know what is beyond boredom?  What if beyond boredom is bliss?  Imagine if you could not be bored: wouldn’t that be freedom?  Can you, by starting to get glimpses of ‘Straight’ become aware of its secrets and thus reveal a sacred state?  Then by a sort of alchemy, that, that was previously boring becomes beautiful – in the Present (i.e. never in the past or future).  True or false?

Then Click: on which (‘ruler’) you sense is mightier, the pen (that draws lines) or the sword (that kills)?

Over and over again, ad nauseam? 

Why?  The reason for this ‘seminar’ to keep repeating the emphasis on ‘Straight’ is only evident once you see it – for what it is.  It is invisible to most people and probably will be for you, once you leave this web site.  So all this repetition is to give you a chance to become and sustain interest, which you must have if you have go thus far into all this.  But the ego is not straight and will sabotage your – ‘Seeing Straight’ or ‘Thinking Straight’.  To test that just observe how the ego may well find this boring and will have some distraction or worry, fear and doubt to engage you in whether – for survival or for your comfort and convenience.  Anything but – peace of mind.  Is the price of freedom straightforward?

So the repetition is a gift received by you – to enjoy such indescribable freshness  everywhere.  Presumably you can relate the communing with nature with the  Direct ‘Straight’ Experience.

There is a sacredness about the sense of ‘Straight’ that hopefully is being acquired, or instilled, here.  By now, you may be able to test if the statement, ‘being aligned with ‘Straight’ can enliven and vitalise the ‘man made world’ in surprising ways’ – is true or false.

Are you being surprised?

If not  –

Key: Consciously, ‘Slow down & See Straight’ say, it’s one or more edge of a window/door or line (between some tiles or whatever).  If you are patient, and dwell upon it for say 5-10 second, you may begin to align with a sort of inner – silence & straightness.  This is the crux of this matter, so do you get it – yes or no?  If not, simply relax and just ‘see what you see’ until it becomes obvious (but don’t think about it).  Trust any inner silence that’s there/here. 

Clue: Ying and Yang
With ‘The Art of Seeing Straight’ we can begin to transform any sense of austerity of straight into an inner subtle sensation of freedom and harmony that’s sacred or spiritual.  This can be translated into more modern terms such as: direct experience, self-actualising, flow or being in the zone (also there are plenty of old and often confusing words such as: nirvana, samadhi, atman and satori that are avoided here.  Although, ‘void’ works well!). Isn’t this a higher state of consciousness than what is known or accepted by most people in most cultures as acceptable?  The idea here is to make such states readily available, instead of an occasional occurrence that’s often only associated with peak performance .  Why can’t it be a perfect performance that, if not permanent, comes and goes with increasing regularity?  It is integration after all and, if necessary, initially takes intention, invention and ingenuity – which are all qualities of what’s called innnerTelligence.
Click: on which image appeals to you most

What is, ‘peace of mind’?
Are you confident that you have ready access to it?

Clue: Finding peace of mind through synergy
The writer Gertrude Stein is famously known for quoting, “There are no straight lines in nature” so unless you are in nature please, spend some time observing the preponderance of straight about you now.  Then reflect upon what do you notice when you are in nature?  How do you feel when you commune with nature?  This is where we begin to get creative and more conscious as you commune with ‘Straight’.  In fact, you might well notice that when you align with ‘Straight’ innerTelligently it is a signal for your mind to – go quiet.  This is the genius of the ‘Art’ proposed here and something to be grateful for and certainly not feared (the ego hates silence).

When practicing the ‘Art’ you will be shifting out of any usual mental distraction (and continual chattering mind) into a serene and sacred spiritual state – a state of pure trust.  A sort of blending of the ‘communing in nature’ with a communing in the edgy man-made Western world.  This is very much about holistic consciousness where the sum is greater than the parts.  It’s as simple as that.

Yes, as simple as that, but of course some people might try to complicate matters by suggesting that one could use anything other than ‘Straight’ to focus upon  – such as a word, flame or wall.  But what else is so ubiquitous, unadulterated and unrealised as ‘Straight’?  Also, ‘Straight’ being one-dimensional has unique significance.  This is what we shall explore, develop and experiment with later in the Community section.

Update:  As briefly mentioned in the ‘About’ section a new way of describing what is happening here is to compare ‘Seeing Straight’ with written punctuation.  Just as commas, – dashes: colons suggest pause in writing with full stops signifying periods.  ‘Straight’ can be used to simulate punctuation for the constant chatter in the head.  This mind talk can become so habitual it often seems inevitable which affords no respite and thus – no mental peace/space.  This incessant mind talk is the bane of princes and paupers, as well as the people in between!  Simply, ‘See Straight’ and hear – inner silence or the sound of silence!

    ” – : , / ;  ! ? . ”

Clue: Beware of the ego
You may well notice your mind questioning all this and doubting it, as it is, as ever, fearful of the new or unknown. This is a moment, when what is called your ‘innerTelligence’ can come into play as you instinctively realise that inner silence (which by definition – is beyond words) is the priceless prize, in this noisy ego chattering and driven world of ours.  With some practice the power and potential of an inner still state will become more and more evident, especially in the face of the divisive, fear fueled ego that’s busy: judging, worrying or planning.  The ego hates ‘stillness’ for its dominance relies upon its talking and stillness is its ‘demise’!  The preference here is to use the term – innerTelligence which can be described as the direct experience and power of what IS.  What is the noisy chattering, filtering, judging tyranny of the ego mind called?  The beauty of the inner silent state is that it’s wonderful – full of wonder and beauty – the source of all.  But please don’t believe that for it is up to the reader to Experience Directly what, he or she, perceives. If you’re not familiar with inner beauty then perhaps this is your opportunity to appreciate it and even be it on your own cognisance and terms.  No need to listen to other people’s jargon when you have your own inner silence to – Be.  It is a choice that becomes a choice-less choice.  Slow down and See Straight.

If you still have a voice in the head asking, ‘what peace?’ you may just dwell upon some ‘Straight’ edge till you align with it.  Notice that the straight edge is – silent. 

OK now for a commercial!  Once you are confident of your ‘peace of mind’ you will have the opportunity to buy the book ‘innerTelligence™ & ‘The newSense Game™’ to explore beyond the mind to – inner peace.

Are you still sensing that ‘Straight’ is silent?

Clue: The quiet mind
Why not pause again to reflect on say, a ‘Straight’ edge again and align with your inner knowing of the true continuum of knowledge – beyond the mental.  Any head talk is clearly not beyond the mental so for this purpose it’s best to separate and witness any thoughts or images as they flow away.  The less consequence one gives these thoughts the more one begins to reduce their force for distracting one away from the power of inner peace and knowing.  Or not, for this is very much up to the reader who, as agreed, must be responsible at all times for him or herself.  This website acts as a medium for a fascinating journey into the unknown.  Of course, this is a paradox because the unknown becomes the known but not in a way you would think.  Thoughts, in a way, are an illusion and could be described as passing clouds in the sky!

So, if required, ‘Seeing Straight’ signals one to slow down and either watch thoughts pass through the mental matter or to stop in the inner silence or void (which is the constant).  Click: on which image appeals to you more.

It’s your choice, or is it?

Clue: De-hypnosis
It has been stated by the sages, prophets and wise men of old that the people don’t see or know the Truth.  Even Plato demonstrated this with his alluding to the ignorant people only seeing the shadows within a cave.  For whatever reason it seems that the masses, not seeing ‘Straight’, are more prone to be mesmerised or hypnotised or brainwashed into believing what is unreal – is real.

Also, when considering the subtle, subliminal influences being used in our world consider, if there is any validity to the following supposition.  If we pause for a moment and wonder what has been made using straight, by humans, that was not for sale (apart from some personal musings)?  Very little.  So, if every straight that you see has been designed to –  appeal to a buyer – it conveys a subliminal message – buy me.  OK, this taking the idea to an extreme but, remember, we are dealing with the stresses and strains of surviving in the very linear and angular world.  As opposed to being able to commune with nature (with no visible straights).

This aspect will be explored later within the portals of the iStraight Club. (for which there will be an application to join at the end of this section).

Clue: How does this ‘PsychoSpiritual Technology™’ work?
This is where we encounter a conundrum.   The paradoxical quality of perception used in the ‘Art’ is a – silent mind.  So thinking about – a silent mind – is something akin to an oxymoron?  Anyway, the essence of all this is, what’s called our ‘secret sauce’ at the moment, and remains proprietary.  However, one supposition is that focusing on say, a straight line or edge (that apparently has distinct left and right sides) merges the left and right hemispheres of the brain.  Thus the ‘whole’ brain can transcend, the usual limited dualistic and judgemental mental habituation, and shift into a more creative, or even spiritual, state (not unlike the zone or flow).  But then this is theory, at this stage, for as we shall learn later straight is simply – one dimensional!  This is the beauty of ‘Straight’ as it’s fascinating mysterious qualities, can be conjured with here, and later.  For instance, are you appreciating the added bonus of ‘Seeing Straight’ of it it engendering you ‘Hearing Straight’ as well?  Is your audio/visual perception – direct, unfiltered – a direct or ‘Straight’ experience.

An artist need a medium be it: paint, words or musical notes etc.  We are using ‘Straights’ as our media and making them appear sacred & beautiful.  Once, you can do this your perception of the world will shift.  For, instead of straight lines and edges having any subliminal properties, of austerity or of being like ‘cages’, they convey a sense of strength and security.  So by ‘Seeing Straights’ anywhere one can, begin, to align with safety and securety – as if at home.  Thus one is ‘at home’ – in the world, on the planet and in the universe.

Clue: Virgin territory – there’s a first time for everything
‘Straight’ in this innerTelligent context is, to a large extent, virgin territory as if untouched by prior consideration and therefore, it’s very unlikely that anybody has formed an identifiable impression of it.  It is so ubiquitous, unadulterated and unrealised and one-dimensional it maintains its unique potential without any prior impressions.  It is undefild, for who can say that they either, liked or didn’t like, ‘Straight’?  It’s almost certain that there is nobody on the planet that harbours any strong conviction about it.  It’s the direct experience and alignment that is being promoted here and one of the purposes of the club will be to help members practice.  For they will most likely forget about seeing ‘Straight’ when it becomes “invisible” in plain view.  The alignment that one is achieving here can be akin to the ‘Truth’ and remember, “One can’t remember the Truth – only Be it”. Or not, depending upon one’s love of it!  Aha! Yes, it is not as if one is making love with the primordial essence, or idea, of ‘Straight’ –  a wholly (or holistic) union?

N.B. All these words are just background information pointing to the real substance of this Technology which is, initially, in your foreground and then within.  The words are used to give you the option to keep being engaged in developing you appreciation of ‘Straight’ so you can discover its hidden depths.

Clue: Let’s be honest
It is assumed that you saw, on the home page, the video clip from the Maltese Falcon where the “Fat man” tried to convince Sam Spade (Humphrey Bogart) of how trust worthy and honest he was.  However, the “Fat man” was crooked – a crook, as are lots of apparently “intelligent” people who are tricking us with their clever talk, marketing, PR and spin to believe, pray and do or buy this or that.  But how to spot them, as they come in all shapes and sizes?  In the club there will be a section on investigating what “Straight Talking” and ‘Straight Thinking’ is and how to practice it.

In addition, most of us have heard of, Selective Hearing, but what about, Selective Seeing?  Here, as part of  ‘The newSense game’ we are playing with all these clues, to be able to choose, whether to establish a neutral base line, to enable – direct seeing.

Remember these words are not it,
so please pause to enjoy some sacred ‘S
traight’, now.

We are drawing close to the end of the ‘seminar’

Clue: The trigger – all you have to do is, ‘open your eyes’…
Here, with The ‘Art of Seeing Straight’ you can use the incredible and evolving inner and outer sense of ‘Straight’ as a sort of trigger to align with the most high, which is naturally beyond the divisive force of those tricky twins – happiness and unhappiness.  This PsychoSpiritual Technology is an experiment that will unfold and evolve over time.  There is nothing else like it so the value you put on all this is up to you. For some people it will be, worthless and to others priceless.

Remember, initially ‘Straight’ will appear in momentary flashes and glimpses.  The ‘Art’ is to acknowledge these sightings, with gratitude (and hopefully inner peace and wonder).  Once you have become accustomed with ‘Seeing Straight’ regularly, you can use your innerTelligence to ‘work ‘with it on your own terms.  As you focus on ‘Straight’ you may well find all the other shapes and textures become more proportional and visible.

Clue: ‘Taking for Granted’ v Gratitude
Gratitude can be the key to appreciation and is the opposite of ‘taking something for granted’.  Most of us have taken straight for granted without noticing it, or caring about its amazing properties.  Yet now we are in a position to align with it – ‘Straight’ is silent and so am I.  This inner silence can be deemed to be – gratitude or sheer love.  The more you realise this, the more you will realise that.  This state leans toward the non dualistic wholeness of what IS.  Is there any need for dogma or teachings or following anyone outside, if you trust this inner stillness – with gratitude?  Only you know if that’s true or false?

If, ‘love’ is the currency of. say, the spirit then money is the currency of the world.   One of our ongoing struggles is between cash flow and being in the flow (or the zone or newSense).  This ‘seminar’ is currently free and if you have got this far it’s assumed that you are experiencing, more and more, inner stillness or gratitude.  If so you may voluntarily express your appreciation and gratitude, on a physical level, by donating in the Members area.

Clue: There’s a first time for everything
Incidentally, have you noticed the ‘Straight edges’ of the screen that you are looking at, now?  If you pause to contemplate that fact, it may help you be more objective to what you see on it.  It can give you a neutral benchmark from which to see, how, what you are seeing is subtly influencing you.  The info on this web site is not intended to influence but give you choice to what is new.  Do you notice a shift in perception?  Can you use ‘Straight’ as a tool to be objective in order to aid comprehension of what you are reading?

If you are interested in aligning, as outlined here, you will find that – there’s a first time for noticing ‘Straight’ every day.  This will introduce a new event into your day as you acknowledge your acuity of perception.  You can join the Club community to explore this daily ‘trigger’ and also share your experiences with other members.

Remember, if required, ‘Seeing Straight’ signals one to slow down and either watch thoughts pass through the mental matter or to stop in inner silence or void (which is the constant).  Click: on what image most appeals to you

Clue: Perceiving & Perception

Perspective was mentioned before for its apparent complexity and somewhat bewildering, yet fascinating, factors relating to what’s called straight.  Such as 2D or curvilinear perspective, flat or 3D Euclidean space vs Einstein’s General Relativity and curved space etc.

However, you may well find that the word is beginning to make more sense to you (newSense?) in the outer space and also the inner space.  In art terms perspective is all about illusion on 2D surfaces yet in Maya terms the outer 3D world is also an illusion.  However, the more you glimpse ‘Seeing Straight’ the more you will appreciate, say, the 3D perspective (or depth of field) of squares and cubes around you.  But please do not struggle to see them – just allow it all to dawn upon you, via innerTelligence.

The more intriguing aspects of perspective and perception in the Present, can be explored later.  Here we see 1D in ‘Straight’, 2D in flat surfaces and 3D in front of us right now (if both 2 eyes are OK).  However, in the inner silent space, or void, there can’t be any dimensions!  Most resistance to ‘Seeing Straight’ (or simply Being) will come from fear of this nothingness, or void.  Aligning with ‘Straight’ is simply a practical way of accessing this zero state easily, if needed.  But it frightens the ego for contentment and calm puts it out of business!  So a balance is needed where, ‘one is the master of the ego and not its slave’.  Take care to go gently into freedom – to be it.

Ok, you are seeing this screen and its images but where are you, the seer, fitting into the bigger picture?  You can check your perception (or is it perspective?) if you pause for a moment and snap your own fingers – prior to  Clicking: on which of the 4 pictures below intrigues you the most.  Notice where you are.

The end of the Guide

“Have you got too many Deadlines and not enough Lifelines?”

Clue: Be easy with the ‘To-ing and Fro-ing’ of consciously ‘Seeing Straight’
This is repeated here as it is an important point.  Given the emphasis of ‘Straight’, it’s helpful to realise that ‘seeing is seeing’ and should not involve any effort or struggle (providing one’s eyesight is okay).  All that is required is – open eyes and an open mind (no need for head chatter – silence will do perfectly).  Like anything, if you’re interested in a particular item or subject you will notice it.  Or the more you love someone, or something, the easier on the eye they or it will become.

Therefore, beware of any mental demands that you need to be hard on yourself and make yourself wrong for missing what you saw.  There is no failing just what IS.  Let any awakening be a gentle, natural unfolding without any mental demands.  It should be fun and easy as we all remain beginners with its awareness for now you see it and now you don’t as it to-s & fro-s with its coming & going.

Again, a reminder that the words are not it, so please pause to enjoy some ‘Straight’, now.  What do you love?  Do you love your ‘peace of mind’?  What do you find beautiful?  What if you could include, “Straight” in your list?  Why not?  The key here, and for all examples of seeing ‘Straight’, is to combine the experience with gratitude.  Please, repeat reading that last point as it is what one can do whilst aligning especially as it will reinforce awareness.

Would you like to join the ‘iStraight™ Club’?
OK, that was rather a long introduction to ‘The newSense Game’ with plenty of reminders to notice ‘Straight’.  If you now wish to raise your game, please, apply to join the ‘iStraight Club’ to investigate further.  Also, you’ll have the opportunity to share your own experience with other members, on your journey aligning with what IS.  This new word “iStraight™” has been coined here to represent an individual’s  – newSense of perception and expanded consciousness.  One – that cannot be duplicated.

Below a taste of what is in the Club –

Clue: The ‘Sense of iStraight™’
This notion conjures with the essential definition: straight is the shortest distance between two points.  This introduces a new dimension, or perspective, for your point of view.  If you look around you will see that everything is placed the shortest distance from you, at this moment of time.  Of course, things move but your ‘iStraight’ relationship remains true.  In some ways this could be see as a ‘field’ and on further investigation may well have significance for our understanding of physics.  Be that, the origin of astrophysics, science or metaphysics.  In any event, it does place you at the centre of your universe with everything, within and without, in a ‘Straight’ relationship.  But to who or to what!?  Yes, this is from a dualistic point of view and so does not do justice to ‘Oneness’!  Please, pause to contemplate your position in all this!

Clue: Cause vs effect
If interested, you will have the opportunity to consider “cause & effect” and so ascertain if ‘Seeing Straight’ affects you or vice versa!  The intention of this is to endeavour to establish a common benchmark, or sort of datum point, that can be directly and honestly experienced as an inner commonSense by people in general.  It is doubted whether anybody has a preconceived idea as to whether they have too much or too little ‘Straight’ in their lives.  Then of course, we will explore later how long or short is – Straight? 🙂

Clue: The history of Straight and other information
Contained within the club, mainly, for informational and peripheral interest purposes (for it has nothing much to do with aligning with one’s true Being) are the result of extensive research into the history and other related information on the subject.  Plus facilities to share and discuss all aspects of what could well become a new area of the human experience.  Here is a list of some of the topics already researched –

  • When/where was the first record of anyone referring to basic straight in human history?
  • Where were the first incidents of straight being used in their human’s habitat, art and science?
  • Consider how straight is in some ways the foundation, or building block, of our ‘man-made world’ and perhaps the universe.
  • How straight has been used in Shakespeare, “holy books” or secret societies?
  • How could the first accurate ruler be made or straight line be exactly drawn, without the benefit of a pre-existing precision tool?
  • How strong is straight?
  • Where is straight most used in our Western world?  Could we live without it?  😆
  • What are the definitions of, straight and how is it is used and been used in the English language?
  • Investigating the many fascinating factors relating to what’s called straight such as 2d or curvilinear perspective, flat or 3d Euclidean space vs Einstein’s General Relativity curved space etc.
  • What symbols use straight and what power do they have over the masses?
  • How straight influenced design especially with regard to the Golden Mean or Golden Ratio? Is there a Golden Straight?
  • Does an absolute straight line even exist, in existence?
  • If there are any straight lines in nature?  Any photos of it, found in the wild, may be posted on the feed.
  • How to use ‘Straight’ to straightening out your health & well-being issues.
  • Experimenting to see how the application of “Seeing Straight” translates into ‘Straight Talking’ and ‘Thinking Straight’ and how it helps to straighten out one’s Life, love and living.

The words are not it, so please pause to enjoy some more ‘Straight’, now.

Let’s, “Breathe Life into – dead straight”
By breathing Life into – dead straight and thus align with a vital newSense of Life within and without, one endeavours to vitalise the inanimate world around us.

If any of this concentration, on such an unlikely subject has sparked your fascination just realise that you normally ‘See Straight’ involuntarily.  If you choose to make that more voluntary, along with some others, then please apply below.  There will be an opportunity to continue this ‘seminar’ within the Club, in a form to be decided.

So, is there more to ‘Straight’ than originally met your eye’? 


click an above image to continue.