This opportunity is part of the innerTelligenceTM & 'The newSense GameTM'
series of - PsychoSpiritual Technology for health & wellness.
You are invited to take your time and benefit from this free introduction to -

The Art of Seeing Straight - for a 'newSense' of awarenessTM

presenting a new sense of perspective for there are -
"Those who 'See Straight' and know - why" and
"Those who look but don't 'See Straight' and don't know - why" and
"Those who don't care or pretend they haven't the time to 'get it'."

PROBLEM: Why do people often talk about wanting to, 'Live in the moment', 'Be in the Present' or 'Enjoy Life'? What do they do if they are not - Present? Or what's it called to, 'Not live in the moment'? If most man made products, sights and sounds are designed to distract us (from the present) by competing for our attention and cash who can actually - 'Live in the pure moment'?

REACTION: What is Life anyway? How do you know if you are really, 'Present'? What way do you positively check? Can you confirm that you are, 'Seeing & Thinking Straight' now?

SOLUTION: What follows is an interactive Guide to check 'consciousness' in real time. Clue: it has something to do with, 'Not being lost in thought but finding and TRUSTING 'Peace of Mind''. Surely, having a proactive method for peacefully punctuating ones thoughts - is a rare privilege? It will take 10+ minutes to just start to get the idea and so benefit from the following (currently free/donation basis) educational interactive 'seminar/Guide'. Then you'll need over 30 minutes to realise what you can do with it.

PURPOSE: The intention here is to introduce a brand new idiom into the English language - one that's both useful and popular. We already have,
– “Wake up and smell the coffee” then
– “Stop and smell the roses” and now, the new one
+ “Be still & See Straight”
The two former tend to be passive pastimes, whereas, to proactively 'See Straight' provides powerful new perspectives.

Who is it for?: Open minded people and those who'd like an easy way to get 'straightened out' after having been 'bent out of shape' from the stresses and strains of constant mental and emotional demands which mask their elusive, yet intrinsic - innerLuxury...

Also, whoever thinks, 'I don't have time for all this sort of stuff' may ponder that if they have the time - to open their eyes, then 'time' should not be an issue. Even so, 'many look - but few see' so if you find that this webinar seems too long, simply, to begin to see what you have missed (it needs at least 30+ minutes to get a glimpse) then perhaps it's been - too long, since you saw straight (many decades?)!

What follows is the Guide to not only ‘See Straight’  but who is seeing it.
It works as psychoSecurity technology in part by clicking on pictures and learning to see more – to experience more.

To actually ‘See Straight’ it is assumed that you have reasonably good eye sight. However, you don’t need to have the sort of acuity, focus or depth of field that CCTV surveillance cameras have to – ZOOM in on you!

Click: on which one of the 4 images below amazes you the most and begin to discover the key or code to what this is all about. Then you can choose to continue the Guide (where there are over 50 more pictures) to prove to yourself that – the more you ‘See Straight’ the more sensational you will be.

N.B. As browsers differ make sure the first 2 photos (thanks to are side by side.
(To adjust on PC: Cntl +/-  or Mac: Cmd +/- . Small phone screens don’t work so well)

In the video clip ‘The Fat man’s’ last words were, ‘Here’s to plain speaking and clear understanding.’  But the problem with these fine words is that he’s a crook and so – crooked, not to be trusted!

With ‘The Art of Seeing Straight’ one can begin to trust the ‘Straight’ from the crooked and thus be able to say, ‘Here’s to straight speaking and straight understanding’ with some conviction and honesty.

FYI: In the film The Maltese Falcon, the character Gutman was referred to as the “Fat Man” and his man servant Wilmer as “Little Boy”.  In 1945  the two atomic bombs, that where dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan (ending WW11), were named after them.
(Thanks to Warner Bros, Humphrey Bogart & Sydney Greenstreet)

That film clip was a brief introduction into what will be a fascinating journey into discovering a new conscious way of – seeing and perceiving.
We will begin to focus on what ‘Straight’ means, at first in the context of – not being crooked.  It is an education, whereby everybody, crooks and honest people, can learn and thus be – on the same page, so to speak!

The Guide that follows, is easy and the main requirement is that you persevere and pay attention.  It should take about 10+ minutes for you to, automatically, get the idea – it’s easy and fun.  If interested, you’ll need more time to study the whole Guide. 

This concept could be compared to, say, the simple Aha! experiences that could have seemed confusing, complex or complicated at first, only to eventually become – obvious!


Also, in the Members section there will be an opportunity to share your experiences with other members.  Advanced Skype instruction is available on how to have greater confidence in challenging situations, such as: being at the doctors, in meetings and even when – public speaking etc.  

  Donations can be paid for expressing  gratitude and for financing the dissemination of this vision.

There’s more to, ‘Seeing Straight than meets the eye’, however, that claim will have to be taken on trust at this stage.  ‘Seeing from source’ (your psychicSecurity) is a privilege – for many look, yet few see!

To prove it – Click Next: then ‘Go to Guide’
(which is the blue button, lower right on Home page)

What is the Cosmic Joke? Take this journey of a life time for clues on how to bring -
Dead Straight to Life...

How to check that you are
really ‘Seeing Straight’?

What’s needed is a simple test that works for everybody, anywhere.  Learn how to heighten your perception and clear your mind of endless chatter – Click below

What does it really mean to
‘Talk Straight’?

For added context on that question, please click ‘Watch the Clip’ button to hear a short scene from the Great Warner Classic film noir
The Maltese Falcon (1941).

What does it really mean to
‘See Straight’?

If it is not obvious to you and only IF YOU ARE ONE OF THE PRIVILEGED FEW WHO CAN BE FREE FOR AT LEAST 30 MINUTES, please proceed by Clicking below –